Why is Cash Management Important to a Small Business?
Cash Flow:
“The term cash flow refers to the net amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred in and out of a company. Cash received represents inflows, while money spent represents outflows.”
Amal from Accountingpreneur said “To business owners, keeping an eye on your cash and having proper cash flow management protocols is the cornerstone of running a profitable business.” Everything from how you make business decisions to paying suppliers and setting goals (both short-term and long-term) relies on healthy cash flow. But why exactly is cash flow management so important to a small business?
Understand your Monthly Expenditures
Cash flow management puts a spotlight on how much of your money is coming and going, but more importantly, where it is going. By understanding your monthly expenditures, you can see if there are discrepancies and adjust when necessary.
Allows You to Maximize Opportunities
By knowing exactly how much cash you have on hand, you can make better investment decisions when opportunities present themselves. With a thorough understanding of your cash position, the decision of whether to jump on an opportunity or wait for a better time becomes simpler to make.
Properly Budget for Taxes
Taxes need to be …